Nicholas Kristof: ‘A Question of Treason”during CNN programming at variance with the NYT’s quote (attributed to Douglas Brinkley) which headlines Kristof’s opinion piece revs-up co-panelist Jeffrey Lord’s spin tactics into highest gear. Nonetheless, the question of treason stands, is valid, and must be applied to POTUS across the board, including his urging Russia to use such known hacking to take and publish the pilfered information and emails of then Democrat candidate for President, Hillary R. Clinton.

During his appearance on CNN with a panel hosted by Don Lemon, NYT’s Nicholas Kristof keeps dead-on the line to all as written in his opinion-piece.  Kristof starts with reference to Richard Nixon as follows, and ends with a pertinent quote attributed to Douglas Brinkley which quotation is obviously placed in the NYT’s headline.

Kristof states precisely what he believes amounts to treason currently as follows:

Now the F.B.I. confirms that we have had an investigation underway for eight months into whether another presidential campaign colluded with a foreign power so as to win an election. To me, that, too, would amount to treason. to dictionary

Following is Kristof’s introduction.

‘There’s a Smell of Treason in the Air’ New York Times, Nicholas Kristof.

The greatest political scandal in American history was not Aaron Burr’s shooting of Alexander Hamilton, and perhaps wasn’t even Watergate. Rather it may have been Richard Nixon’s secret efforts in 1968 to sabotage a U.S. diplomatic effort to end the Vietnam War.

Nixon’s initiative, long rumored but confirmed only a few months ago, was meant to improve his election chances that year. After Nixon won, the war dragged on and cost thousands of additional American and Vietnamese lives; it’s hard to see his behavior as anything but treason.

Now the F.B.I. confirms that we have had an investigation underway for eight months into whether another presidential campaign colluded with a foreign power so as to win an election. To me, that, too, would amount to treason…

…We don’t know yet what unfolded, and raw intelligence is often wrong. But the issue cries out for a careful, public and bipartisan investigation by an independent commission.

“There’s a smell of treason in the air,” Douglas Brinkley, the historian, told The Washington Post. He’s right, and we must dispel that stench.

When CNN host Don Lemon asked the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof about his opinion-piece titled, “There’s a smell of treason in the air,” though Kristof kept dead-on to the body of content of the article, Kristof clearly post-edited the headline’s ‘there’s a smell’ to there’s a “question of treason.”  A surrogate of POTUS Donald Trump on the program, Jeffrey Lord, attempted to use Kristof’s real-time public re-write of the NYT’s headline to deflect from treason Kristof asserts and to minimize the reality-trail of circumstantial evidence recently pronounced (with a listing of some particulars) by Democrat Representative Adam Schiff, member of the House Intelligence Committee.

The deflection fails, and Kristof’s “A Question of Treason” stands as valid and a question that must be ultimately answered.

It must be expressed here that Candidate Donald Trump should be included in the question of treason based on his condoning alleged Russian hacking that had already occurred with regard to the DNC and to urge the continuation of such and release of any and all (30,000) emails of then-Democrat Presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton.

Isn’t more than “circumstantial” evidence of note by Trump’s winks and nods along with his expressed request for the hacking to be applied to Clinton emails?

Donald Trump ‘accused of treason’ after urging Russia to …

Watch video · … of Democratic Party emails as Donald Trump … after urging Russia to hack Hillary Clinton‘s emails. … of the Democratic National Convention in …


Donald Trump to Russia: hack and publish … into and publish Hillary Clinton’s private emails, … Russia was involved in the hacking of DNC emails that were…





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